lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

Avril Lavigne singer

Avril Lavigne has led the way for teenybopper mall shoppers to find a new path to music that is different from the sex-oriented pop released by such performers as Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera and other singers popular with the MTV crowd.

Lavigne was born in Belleville, Ontario, and raised in Napanee, Ontario, Canada, a town with a population of roughly 5,000 people located 100 miles southwest of Ottawa. It was a strong Christian home with a stay-at-home mother, Judy, and a father, John, who worked for Bell Canada. Avril was the second of three children, including older brother Matt and younger sister Michelle. As a youngster, Lavigne loved to follow her older brother around. "If he played hockey, I had to play hockey. He played baseball, I wanted to," she told Entertainment Weekly. The family enjoyed camping and canoeing trips, dirt-biking and four-wheeling. They attended church at Evangel Temple, and when she was ten years old, Lavigne sang a solo in the Christmas pageant.

Lavigne began taking her talent beyond the church, singing at local fairs and festivals, and even a Canadian Tire celebration. She was discovered singing in a bookstore when she was 14 by her first manager, Cliff Fabri. Fabri recalled to Entertainment Weekly, "When I first saw her, I liked her voice, and obviously the looks. But it was the attitude. She goes hunting all the time with her brother and dad. Here's this sweet little thing, and I said to her one time, 'What about when a little doe comes out and starts nudging up to the mother? What do you do?' And she goes’---Fabri makes the sound of a shotgun blast---'Dinner.'"

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

How to get ur ex girlfriend back!

Following a break up, most people begin to wonder, what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back? They proceed to ponder over everything that could have happened differently, and start drafting apology letters and other such that they hope will result in getting the relationship back.

There is one reason above everything else that proves that this is a dead end. That is; you can never truly know what the exact reasons were behind a break up. Women can suddenly become emotional and at times they do not even know what led to the break up in the first place, and subsequently do not know what is making them feel the way they are. In numerous circumstances it is futile to concentrate all your energies in trying to figure out what went wrong.

Forget about the relationship for a little while. This is the first, crucial step when finding the answer to the question what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back. Focus on something else. Make friends, go out, try and forget about women in general. Give yourself a few months of personal time, and make some long overdue changes in your life. Time away from your ex can work wonders!

Such strategies will allow you to make small changes in your life. They will allow you to assess the subject of relationships. After a few months, you may have a much clearer view on how you want to proceed with your ex. Whether you want to get back with her, or whether you want to move on. If you reach a decision that you still want to get back with her, now is the time to work out how she is feeling about you.

This is not a good time to be emotional, so do not beg your ex to get back with you. What you ought to do now is playing things cool with her. If you have spent adequate time apart from her, chances are that she is missing you as badly as you are missing her. Play hard to get a little. Be sure not to over do it, and make it seem that you are doing completely fine without her. This will get her thinking for sure.

Be careful not to over analyze things. Over analyzing may prevent you from acting appropriately when trying to figure out what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back. Take it easy, and play it cool. In the end, that is always the best advice to follow.

Paris y Cristiano Ronaldo!

Paris Hilton, de 28 años, y Reinhardt ('The Hills'), de 24 años, habían formalizado su relación hacía seis meses. Sin embargo, lo que parecía que iba a durar, ha llegado a su final. Paris Hilton se ha separado de Doug Reinhardt, sí, es verdad que ya no están más juntos. De hecho, se han tomado fotografías recientes donde Paris se encontraba en una actitud más que cariñosa con el conocido futbolista Cristiano Ronaldo.

Paris Hilton, escándalo en un taxi!

Lo de Paris Hilton es estar siempre en primera plana por sus escándalos y excentricidades. Si casi siempre están relacionados con el sexo, esta vez la heredera ha ido un paso más allá: un taxista hawaiano le acusa de haberse orinado en su coche mientras éste la conducía a su hotel.

Los hechos, según ha relatado el propio taxista, acontecieron el pasado mes de diciembre, cuando Hilton regresaba a su hotel en compañía de su alter ego masculino, el también joven heredero Stavros Niarchos.

Según el relato del propietario del vehículo la pareja iba visiblemente ebria y Paris aprovechó un descuido para orinarse dentro del taxi.

"Tuve que limpiar mi taxi después de dejarlos en su hotel", ha relatado el taxista, que anuncia: "conservo el paño humedecido con la orina de Paris, y también con su ADN para llevarlos a juicio".

A todo esto, Paris también es noticia por su rotundo "no" a Hugh Hefner, fundador y redactor jefe de Playboy a salir en portada "como su madre la trajo al mundo".

Por más insistencia, ruegos y ofertas de Hefner, Paris se niega y sigue muy enfadada por la portada de marzo de 2005 que sacó la revista, sin permiso, de una Paris Hilton ligeramente cubierta por un corpiño rojo.

A las insistentes preguntas de Playboy de por qué se niega a salir en la portada, la chica lo tiene claro: "Porque soy Paris Hilton.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Marital Affairs!! Some reasons

Some people see marital affairs as something to do when you're bored, or simply an instrument to ensure certain amount of sexual variety in ones' life. Fortunately many people don't see it that way, as a matter of fact, majority of married people see it as a despicable, and unforgivable sinful act. With strong opinions on both sides you'd think that there is no gray-areas, that it's simply a matter of black and white - but you'd be surprised to know that the question of why marital affair happened in the first place is debatable; and with good merits on both sides.

Marriage is a sacred institution of trust known world over as a union of two people in love who contracted either spiritually or civilly to speak for the other or to be spoken for by the other - figuratively. Whatever form a marriage is based on, be it spiritual or religious, civil or contractual; there is one thing it cannot escape and that is the ever reaching long-arm of marital affairs.

Why Do People Have Marital Affairs?

It has no boundaries, it does not matter how long the marriage has lasted, whether the marriage is strong or weak. It just doesn't matter who, what and when - it happens to the best of marriages unfortunately, and here are some reasons why:

1. Absence of Intimacy: Lack of intimacy in marriage can be a contributing factor to marital affair. When one partner is not getting his/her sexual needs met it could lead to all sorts of instability in the marriage depending on the root cause of the problem. If lack of sexual attention is due to sickness or temporary physical problems then the offending partner who cheated is not always forgiven -because not only did he/she cheated but lacked sensitivity towards the ailing partner.

On the other hand, when affair occurred because one partner is withholding intimacy from the other, it becomes very difficult to assess blames. This type of affair is when the offending partner most of the time feels no guilt, and may even claim to be in the right.

2. Blinded By Looks Or Love: People with compromised willpower will often "fall in lost" with somebody other than their spouse. Affair based on lust is usually the most regrettable ones.

Attraction can be dangerous thing, instant gratification can even be worse - and that is why combination of attraction, lack of willpower and instant gratification can lead to marital affair.

3. Lack Of Spousal Attention: When people feel neglected , or unappreciated they may try to do something to get attention, often the result leads to having an affair either to be fulfilled or to get their spouse's attention.

4. Sexual Conquest: Some people are just born wild, they are adventurous, and being with somebody else other than their spouse is the only thing that can make them feel complete. This type of individuals cheat not because they feel attracted or have feeling for the person with whom they are cheating with - but simply to add to their sexual adventure trophies.

5. Looking To End The Marriage: People often cheat in their marriage just to find a way to end the marriage. A partner who has grown tired of the marriage and wanted out but could not find a way to talk the spouse about divorce could use an affair as a weapon to provoke the other spouse to ask for divorce.

Marital affairs happen often than we want to admit, and from both men and women. There is no good or bad marital affair - it is a matter of "whose ox is being gored"; if you're the cheater you may feel justified for your actions, and for the cheated there is never enough justification. People cheat for many reasons, and whatever your reason may be; remember that there is somebody on the receiving end with a broken heart.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

Un escándalo involucra a una prostituta con famosos actores de Hollywood

Ashley Massaro es una luchadora profesional y modelo estadounidense. En las últimas horas la mujer, de 30 años, se vio envuelta en un escándalo que también involucraría a varios actores de Hollywood.

Según publica la revista estadounidense Rolling Stones Ashley trabajaría para una agencia de acompañantes de Los Angeles que era investigada por la FBI.

Esta red de prostitución llamada NICI's Girls, era administrada por Michelle Braun y fue descubierta luego de que una de las jóvenes confesara ante un agente federal encubierto.

Allí la luchadora ofrecía sus servicios sexuales y, según afirma la publicación, tenía como clientes a famosos como Charlie Sheen, José Canseco, y Mickey Rourke, entre otros.

La revista asegura que Massaro llegó a cobrar hasta 25 mil dólares por noche. Sin embargo que el escándalo que generó la investigación podría no sólo hacerle perder a sus clientes.

La WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), federación en la que compite en lucha libre Ashley, podría expulsarla por practicar la prostitución.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Unknown Britney's past

The ‘Womanizer' singer - who famously shaved her head and spent time in rehab following a breakdown - reportedly witnessed her father Jamie Spears regularly flying into drunken rages at their family home when she was a small child.

Her uncle Willie Spears - who is Jamie's brother - revealed in Steve Dennis' new book ‘Britney: Inside the Dream': "I was at the house and Jamie walked in drunk and called Lynne a bad name. She was in the kitchen drinking water and he grabbed the glass, walked into the lounge and just hurled it. It was rough, but the sad thing is that it became normal life."

Lynne filed for divorce from Jamie in 1980, the year before Britney was conceived after he allegedly cheated on her. Lynne sought a restraining order after fearing the start of divorce proceedings would spark his temper. However, the pair did not legally separate until 2000.

Willie says the erratic behaviour of his brother - who sought treatment for his problems with alcohol in 2004 - became a "normal" part of his niece's childhood.

He continued: "One time Jamie was drunk and tried to drive off with Britney in the car. She was no more than five years old. I tried to stop him, so I reached into the truck to grab the keys from the ignition and he punched me. We got right into it there by the car, fighting in front of her.

"Britney was jumping up and down, crying. Lynne had to run out to get her inside. We Spears men are known for fighting. If Britney happened to be there, so be it."

As a youngster, the pop star reportedly dealt with the violence by blocking out the incidents.

Willie added: "At first Britney was a scared child and you'd catch her crying but she reached the stage when she just walked off, as if it wasn't happening. And as she got older, she would scream and curse at her parents to get them to stop fighting."

Meanwhile, Britney's former assistant Alli Sims - who has been barred from seeing the singer by Jamie - has spoken out about the singer's relationship with her "controlling" parents.

She said: "Yeah, he definitely said that I can't see her. You know, they're very controlling and that's fine and I just stepped back. I'm not going to fight nine lawyers and parents."

Pink and Carey

The singer recently reconciled with motocross star Carey Hart after they split last February and both parties only learned how to be together during the separation.

Carey said in a radio interview on Australia's 2Day FM's Kyle and Jackie O Show: "We both had a lot of growing up to do over the course of the last year. No relationship's perfect and sometimes you have to take a couple of steps backward to move forward which is what happened to us. We were apart for about a year and we started putting things back together and this is a big part of the putting back together process.

"We had to come up with a system in a way for us both to accomplish our goals. Here we are in Australia and it's our first attempt and it's going amazingly so far."

The ‘So What' singer recently admitted she loves singing the songs she wrote in the aftermath of her break up with Carey, even though they are now back together.

She explained: "It's funny to sing them now because he's in the audience. So when I sing, 'He's a tool,' now that's my favourite line. I'm like, 'Hi honey, that's you!' "

Pink's track 'So What' includes the lyrics: "And guess what, I'm havin' more fun/ And now that we're done, I'm gonna show you tonight."

Several other songs on her 2008 album 'Funhouse' include lyrics about her split from Carey.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

Paris Hilton glamour!

Paris Hilton

Nombre completo:
Paris Hilton

25 de octubre de 1980

Nació en:
Estados Unidos

Imperio Paris:
Es la heredera de uno de los imperios hoteleros más importantes del mundo, la cadena Hilton, valorado en más de 300 millones de dólares.

Saltó a la fama:
Cómo olvidar los comienzos de Paris Hilton!. En el 2003 se distribuyó por Internet un video suyo llamado One night in Paris, en el que se la veía protagonizando tórridas escenas de sexo salvaje con uno de sus ex novios. Suficiente para ser famosa y darse el lujo de actuar, modelar y hasta cantar.

Cine y TV:
Teen Choise Awards (2003), Scary Movie 3(2003),Hugh Hefner's Midsummer Night's Dream Party (2003),Cartier Showroom (2003), ET-TV (2003), Access Hollywood-TV (2003),La casa de cera (2005),Bottoms UP (2005), The simple life-TV (2004).

Conexiones amorosas:
Paris Hilton suspendió su compromiso matrimonial con el heredero griego y magnate de los navíos Paris Latsis, luego de cinco meses de haber anunciado sus intenciones de casarse.

¿Sabías que?:
Su madre tiene un programa en la cadena de televisión estadounidense NBC en el que enseña modales a 14 concursantes, I want to be a Hilton.

En pocas palabras:
'No soy como cualquiera. Yo soy como la princesa americana'.

Tiene varios, entre ellos la diva fue investigada por la policía de Maryland (EE.UU) por que habría ofrecido alcohol y droga a adolescentes de 'The simple life' para relajarlos. Paris Hilton también causó polémica un anuncio para una famosa cadena de hamburgueserías norteamericana, Carl¿s Jr, en la que aparece extremadamente provocadora.